1ضرب المثل های شیرین با نرجمه انگلیسی
Afghan Persian Proverbs
ضرب المثل هاي افغاني
for my friends who cannot read Persian
and need to know our culture .
please send me same Persian Pashto & Dari
proverbs that you know .
دوستان عزيز لطفا با فرستادن ضرب المثل هاي كه ياد داريد ا
بامن همكاري نماييد
با احترام حبيب يوسفي
with respect Habib yusofy.
بترس از كسي كه او نمي ترسد از خدا
betars az kase ka U na- metarsad az khuda
Fear the person who doesn't fear God.
meaning: Don't trust the person that doesn't trust God.
براي هر كس وطن خودش كشمير است
bareya ar kass watan e khoudesh kashmer ast
Everyone's own country is Kashmir to him.
meaning; There is no place like home.
كابل بي زر باشد بي برف ني
Kabul be zar basha be barf ne
May Kabul be without gold rather than snow.
meaning: Snow on the mountains around Kabul is more valuable
to agriculture and life than gold.
خدا وند گفته كه تو حركت كن كه من بركت كنم
Khuda gufta ka tU harakat ko ka ma barakat kunum
God has said start moving so that I may start blessing.
meaning : we must do our part for God to bless
or: God helps those who help themselves.
در خوردي پستي؛ در جواني مستي،در پيري سستي،پس خداي را كي پرستي
da khurdi pasti,da jawani masti,da phri susti pas khodara kai parasti?
In childhood you're playful
in youth you're lustful
In old age you're feeble
So when will you before God be worshipful?.
meaning :It is easy to find excuses for not worshiping God .
خدا كه ميدهد نمي پرسد كه بچه كي هستي
Khuda ke meta na mepursa ka bacha ki asti
When God gives, He doesn't ask whose son a person is.
meaning: God blesses without partiality or without regard for rank or importance.
آنچه دلم خواست نه آن شد؛ آنچه خدا خواست همان شد
Anchi delam khast na an shud ; Anchi Khoda khast haman shud
What my heart desired didn't happen.
what God wanted was really done.
meaning: Man proposes God disposes.
خدا به عبادت بنده محتاج نيست
Kuda ba ebadat ma mutaj nest
God isn't need of our worship.
meaning :God blesses us out of His mercy alone.
سلام، سلامتي ايمان است.
salam salamati Iman ast
Saying hi or SALAAM{ peace be with you} is a sign of true faith.
meaning : A sincere greeting is an expression of real religion.
بزرگي تنها به خدا ميزيبد
buzorgi tanha ba Khuda me zibad
Glory is fitting to God alone.
meaning: A person should not be proud .
خدا را اگر نميشناسي به قدرت هايش بشناس
Kuda ra age na mishnasi ba qudrat ayash beshenas.
If you don't recognize God at least know Him by His power.